Aesthetic surgery
Plastic reconstructive surgery
Privatklinik Ritzensee ⚕️ Spitzenmedizin im Salzburger Land

Studied and trained as a specialist in Brazil, completed a master’s degree at the University of Mainz in Germany, followed by a doctorate and habilitation as a university professor, culminating in the appointment to a chair. An international career with postdoctoral research in the UK, Germany, USA, Belgium, Japan, and other countries. Engaged in international teaching in various nations. Established private practices in Salzburg and Munich since 1997. Serving as an attending physician at Privatklinik Ritzensee since June 2020, with numerous satisfied patients following successful surgeries.


Dr. med. Paschoal FELIPPE
Professor at UFSC, Brazil
At Privatklinik Ritzensee
Schmalenbergham 4
5760 Saalfelden

T: +43 664 1808773
M: office@felippe.com

H: www.felippe.com

H: www.plastischechirurgie-brust.at

H: www.plastischechirurgie-lipo.at 


Surgery hours

Mo08:00 – 21:00 Uhr
Di08:00 – 21:00 Uhr
Mi08:00 – 21:00 Uhr
Do08:00 – 21:00 Uhr
Fr08:00 – 21:00 Uhr
Sanach Vereinbarung
Sonach Vereinbarung

Dr. med. Paschoal Felippe, Professor (UFSC-Brazil)

Specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery


Key Expertise / Procedures / Treatments:

Surgeries of all complexity levels on the face and body for rejuvenation and body contouring.

Eyelid corrections are always performed with muscle tightening.

Rhinoplasties are carried out using an open technique for better visualization.

Facelifts involve correction of both skin and muscle structures, resulting in minimal scarring.

Endoscopic plastic surgery (so-called keyhole surgery technique) is used for facelifts and body procedures such as breast augmentation, abdominal surgery, and buttock contouring.

Liposuction is performed using High Definition (HD) technology to achieve a more defined body shape.

Breast lifts can be combined with augmentation for patients with insufficient volume, resulting in minimal scarring.

Abdominoplasty always includes muscle tightening, with treatment extending to the waist and hips for a comprehensive contour.

Buttock corrections involve reshaping, lifting, and, if necessary, augmentation using either the patient’s own tissue or implants.

Scar revisions for aesthetic improvements following previous surgeries.

SOS – Secondary Optimization of Aesthetic Surgery
Procedures to improve outcomes of prior surgeries performed elsewhere. Professor Felippe is frequently sought after by patients from distant locations for these treatments.

Care for breast implant patients
Comprehensive monitoring, including ultrasound, mammography, and MRI examinations if needed.

Outpatient / Inpatient Options:

Treatments can be performed on an outpatient basis or, if preferred by the patient, with a hospital stay. Outpatient procedures require specific criteria tailored to each patient to ensure they can safely return home the same day.


Professional Career:

Career Path:

Professor Felippe studied medicine in Brazil and represents the third generation of doctors in his family. After serving as a medical officer in the naval forces, he pursued training in general surgery with a focus on trauma, followed by urology and plastic surgery in Brazil and Germany. He successfully completed all three specialties.

In plastic surgery, he further advanced his expertise internationally, focusing on specialized areas such as treating wounds from severe war injuries, correcting facial and body deformities in children and adults, repairing severe burn injuries, and reconstructing body parts after tumor treatments or trauma.

In aesthetic surgery, he developed his knowledge in Brazil and various countries, including Belgium, China, Germany, France, the UK, Italy, Iran, Japan, Russia, Scotland, and the USA, among others. Professor Felippe has successfully performed over 30,000 surgeries of all difficulty levels. For more information, visit www.felippe.com.

Specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery

Additional Information (International Experience, Social Engagement):

Honorary President of “The World Academy of Medicine,” responsible for training programs and international exchanges for medical professionals and students in 52 member countries.

Voluntarily performs surgeries on war victims with severe injuries from various countries.

Honorary Chair of “Unidos International Football Association,” promoting sports and education for disadvantaged children.

Deputy Chair of “Amadeus International Culture Committee,” supporting emerging artists.

International Scientific Coordinator of the “Sofia Institute for Education and Health.”

Other Information:

Additional Qualifications:
University Professor of Surgery

Licensed aircraft pilot, PP category

Digital photography with surgical simulation technology

Certified judicial expert for the Higher Regional Court of Linz

Professor Felippe regularly participates in select international advanced training programs.

He also organizes training events and “hands-on” workshops, teaching colleagues and future professionals in various countries to share his knowledge, experience, and unique methods.


Doctor of Medicine after completing scientific studies and a dissertation, certified by the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz in Germany.

Habilitated as a University Professor of Surgery at the Federal University of Santa Catarina in Brazil.

Member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS), part of an exclusive circle of plastic surgeons worldwide.

Member of the International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery (IPRAS).

Numerous additional memberships in prestigious organizations.

Fluent in German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.


Operationen ambulant und stationär zur Verjüngung der Lider und Gesicht mit minimalen Narben. Körperformungen mit Hautstraffungen und Entfernung von Fettgewebeüberschuss  mit HD-Technik (High-Definition-Technik) und Verwendung von Eigenfett zur Formverbesserung im Gesicht, von Brust und Gesäß. Korrektur von erschlaffter Haut auch am Oberarm und Oberschenkel mit minimalen Narben. Brustkorrekturen aller Arten mit minimalen Narben, Bauchdeckenstraffung in allen Varianten. Formverbesserungen der Nase. Intimoperationen bei Frauen und Männern inklusive schonende Vorhautplastik auch bei Kindern.


Kongressteilnahme Deutscher Kongress für Plastische Chirurgie September 2022 – Frankfurt am Main

Herr Prof. Dr. Felippe, Facharzt für Plastische, Rekonstruktive und Ästhetische Chirurgie hat an der 52. Jahrestagung der DGPRÄC & 26. Jahrestagung der VDÄPC“ am 30.09.2022 in Frankfurt am Main teilgenommen. Die modernsten Behandlungsmethoden zur Verjüngung und Körperformung wurden ausführlich unter Experten besprochen. Neben der Behandlung von Gesichtsoperationen, Brustoperationen, Bauchdeckenstraffung, Oberarmstraffung wurden auch die Behandlungen von Lipödem intensiv diskutiert.


Kongressteilnahme Arab Health+Lab  Jänner 2023 – Dubai

Herr Prof. Dr. Felippe, Facharzt für Plastische, Rekonstruktive und Ästhetische Chirurgie, hat seine Teilnahme bereits bestätigt. Er behandelt zahlreiche Patienten aus Übersee in der Privatklinik Ritzensee. Diese Fachmesse zeigt die modernste medizinische Technologie von europäischen und asiatischen Herstellern in Kombination mit einem medizinischen Kongress, bei welchem die international renommierten Experten ihre modernsten Behandlungsmethoden präsentieren.


Neuheiten aus der Plastischen Chirurgie von Herrn Prof. Felippe in der Privatklinik Ritzensee


Minimal-invasive Plastische Chirurgie

Facelifting und Brustkorrekturen mit Endoskopie oder mit kleinen Schnittführungen werden minimal-invasiv von Herrn Prof. Felippe in der Privatklinik Ritzensee angeboten.


Nasenkorrekturen – funktionell und ästhetisch

Nasenkorrekturen werden in einer Sitzung, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Klinik für HNO-Heilkunde, auch in der Privatklinik Ritzensee durchgeführt. Abklärungen über Funktionsbeschwerden und Deformitäten werden durch modernste Videoendoskopie und Störungen der Luftventilpassage durch „Rhinometrie“ modernste Geräte gemessen. Dadurch ist eine präzise Diagnose und Behandlung möglich.



Zunehmende Patientenbeschwerden mit „schweren und dicken“ Beinen werden durch die modernste Lipödem-Diagnostik festgestellt.

Herr Prof. Felippe führt in der Privatklinik Ritzensee eine strukturierte Diagnostik und Behandlungsplan für Lipödem durch.

Dazu gehört auch die Nachbehandlung mit Unterstützung von speziell ausgebildeten Ergotherapeuten und medizinisch ausgebildeten Masseuren.


Brustdiagnostik Kooperation – Tauerndiagnostik und Prof .Felippe, Plastischer Chirurgie

Kompetenz für Brustchirurgie besteht durch die hervorragende Zusammenarbeit zwischen Prof. Dr. Felippe und der Tauerndiagnostik – Radiologische Untersuchungen in der Privatklinik Ritzensee.

Kontrollen von bereits operierten Brüsten, „Implantat Trägerinnen“ und auch bei Patienten mit Beschwerden an der Brust können durch fachärztliche plastisch-chirurgische Untersuchung und Abklärung durch digitale modernste bildgebende Verfahren durch Mammographie und MRI perfekt ablaufen. Alle „Implantat Trägerinnen“ sollen sich einmal jährlich für eine Kontrolle routinemäßig melden, unabhängig davon, ob sie Beschwerden haben oder nicht.



Prof. Felippe bietet auch Abendsprechstunden von 16 bis 21 Uhr an – nur nach Terminvereinbarung.



Auch am Samstag werden Sprechstunden von Prof. Felippe angeboten – nur nach Terminvereinbarung.


Finanzierung – Ratenzahlung

Prof. Felippe verfügt über Kooperationen mit externen Finanzdienstleistern, um die Finanzierung von allen Behandlungen für die Patienten zu ermöglichen.


Beratungstermine: +43 664 18 08 773 auch über WhatsApp ; office@felippe.com durchgehend erreichbar.

Aesthetic surgery
Plastic reconstructive surgery
Privatklinik Ritzensee ⚕️ Spitzenmedizin im Salzburger Land


Dr. med. Patricia Lebo
At Privatklinik Ritzensee
Schmalenbergham 4
5760 Saalfelden

T:+43 6582 794530
M: patricia.lebo@privatklinik-ritzensee.at

Surgery hours

By appointment only.

Dr. med. Patricia Lebo

Specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery


Hand Surgery:

  • Rhizarthrosis (thumb saddle joint arthritis)
  • Dupuytren’s/Ledderhose disease (abnormal connective tissue growth in the hand or foot causing limited movement)
  • Ganglions (cysts)
  • Tendon sheath inflammation and constrictions
  • Reconstruction of nerves, vessels, and tendons after injuries (e.g., cuts)
  • Nail and nail bed surgery

Breast Surgery:

  • Surgical treatment of small or large breasts, sagging or “empty” breasts, asymmetries, or tubular breasts
  • Breast augmentation
  • Breast reduction
  • Breast lift
  • Surgical treatment of male breast (gynecomastia)

Peripheral Nerve Surgery:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Cubital tunnel syndrome (ulnar nerve entrapment)
  • Guyon’s canal syndrome
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome

Scar Treatment:

  • Post-surgical scars
  • Scars from accidents or burns
  • Including lipofilling treatments

Skin Grafts:

  • Full-thickness grafts
  • Split-thickness grafts
  • Local flap techniques

Hidradenitis Suppurativa / Acne Inversa:

  • Treatment of inflamed sweat glands using local flap techniques or skin grafts after excision

Surgical Treatment of Malignant and Benign Skin Lesions:

  • From head to toe
  • Includes defect coverage with local flap techniques, split-thickness, or full-thickness grafts

Chronic / Problem Wounds:

  • From peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and venous insufficiency
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Pressure sores

Eye-Area Surgery:

  • Surgical treatment of the upper and lower eyelids, including:
    • Upper eyelid blepharochalasis (“droopy eyelids”)
    • Eye bags, festoons, malar bags
    • Ectropion (outward turning of the lower eyelid)

Body Contouring Procedures:

  • Liposuction
  • Body lifting surgeries / surgical treatment of excess skin and soft tissue after massive weight loss (due to lifestyle modification or bariatric surgery)
  • Abdominoplasty (mini), belt lift, thigh lift, arm lift, body lift, dermolipectomies

Intimate Surgery:

  • Labia reduction
  • Scar correction
  • Mons pubis reduction
  • Vasectomy reversal

Outer Ear Surgery:

  • Protruding ears
  • Asymmetries
  • Earlobe reconstruction (from piercings, tunnels, etc.)

Botulinum Toxin Treatments:

  • For wrinkles, migraines, excessive sweating, etc.

Hyaluronic Acid (“Fillers”)

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma, “Vampire Lift”) Treatments


  • For improved skin texture or scar treatment

NEW: Lipogems® for Osteoarthritis and Joint Degeneration:


Hand Surgery:

  • Rhizarthrosis (thumb saddle joint arthritis)
  • Dupuytren’s/Ledderhose disease (abnormal connective tissue growth in the hand or foot causing limited movement)
  • Ganglions (cysts)
  • Tendon sheath inflammation and constrictions
  • Reconstruction of nerves, vessels, and tendons after injuries (e.g., cuts)
  • Nail and nail bed surgery

Breast Surgery:

  • Surgical treatment of small or large breasts, sagging or “empty” breasts, asymmetries, or tubular breasts
  • Breast augmentation
  • Breast reduction
  • Breast lift
  • Surgical treatment of male breast (gynecomastia)

Peripheral Nerve Surgery:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Cubital tunnel syndrome (ulnar nerve entrapment)
  • Guyon’s canal syndrome
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome

Scar Treatment:

  • Post-surgical scars
  • Scars from accidents or burns
  • Including lipofilling treatments

Skin Grafts:

  • Full-thickness grafts
  • Split-thickness grafts
  • Local flap techniques

Hidradenitis Suppurativa / Acne Inversa:

  • Treatment of inflamed sweat glands using local flap techniques or skin grafts after excision

Surgical Treatment of Malignant and Benign Skin Lesions:

  • From head to toe
  • Includes defect coverage with local flap techniques, split-thickness, or full-thickness grafts

Chronic / Problem Wounds:

  • From peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and venous insufficiency
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Pressure sores

Eye-Area Surgery:

  • Surgical treatment of the upper and lower eyelids, including:
    • Upper eyelid blepharochalasis (“droopy eyelids”)
    • Eye bags, festoons, malar bags
    • Ectropion (outward turning of the lower eyelid)

Body Contouring Procedures:

  • Liposuction
  • Body lifting surgeries / surgical treatment of excess skin and soft tissue after massive weight loss (due to lifestyle modification or bariatric surgery)
  • Abdominoplasty (mini), belt lift, thigh lift, arm lift, body lift, dermolipectomies

Intimate Surgery:

  • Labia reduction
  • Scar correction
  • Mons pubis reduction
  • Vasectomy reversal

Outer Ear Surgery:

  • Protruding ears
  • Asymmetries
  • Earlobe reconstruction (from piercings, tunnels, etc.)

Botulinum Toxin Treatments:

  • For wrinkles, migraines, excessive sweating, etc.

Hyaluronic Acid (“Fillers”)

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma, “Vampire Lift”) Treatments


  • For improved skin texture or scar treatment

NEW: Lipogems® for Osteoarthritis and Joint Degeneration:

General medicine
Privatklinik Ritzensee ⚕️ Spitzenmedizin im Salzburger Land

Internal Medicine – Cardiology – Nephrology – Hypertension Specialist


Dr. med. René R. Wenzel
Schmalenbergham 4
5760 Saalfelden

T: +43 6542 777 2312
M: ordination@rrwenzel.at
H: www.rrwenzel.at

Surgery hours

By appointment only

Dr. med. René Wenzel

Specialist in Internal Medicine


Key Expertise / Procedures / Treatments:

Univ.-Dozent Dr. René R. Wenzel brings extensive training and decades of experience across all areas of Internal Medicine.

Special Focus Areas:

  • Cardiac Diseases
  • Kidney Diseases
  • High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)
  • Autoimmune Diseases

In Detail:

  • Coronary artery disease (CAD)
  • Heart failure (cardiac insufficiency)
  • Heart valve defects (valvular disease)
  • Hypertension and hypertensive heart disease
  • Kidney diseases (e.g., glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis, diabetic nephropathy)
  • Collagen vascular diseases, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and other ANA-associated autoimmune diseases
  • Wegener’s disease / ANCA-associated vasculitis

Patient-Centered Care:

  • Emphasis on detailed consultations and thorough patient discussions
  • Advanced diagnostic methods (e.g., laboratory tests, ECG, echocardiography/TEE, (spiro-)ergometry, duplex sonography) are employed based on specific indications and actionable outcomes


  • The patient is at the heart of compassionate care
  • Detailed consultation is the cornerstone of treatment
  • Seeking a second opinion is welcomed and supported


Professional Career

Current Position:

  • 12/2003 – Present: Head of the Department of Internal Medicine, Tauernklinikum Zell am See
    • Leading a team of six specialists and four assistants, managing over 5,000 inpatients and 5,000 outpatients annually
    • Responsible for an Intermediate Care Unit (IMCU), flexible bed allocation (level concept), a dialysis department (including peritoneal dialysis with over 4,000 sessions/year), and a central laboratory (conducting over 300,000 tests/year)
    • Developed an Acute Primary Care Unit (AEE) in the past two years for interdisciplinary acute patient care

Previous Roles:

  • 04/1990 – 11/2003: Clinic for Internal Medicine, University Hospital Essen, Germany
    • Specialist training in Internal Medicine, Cardiology, and Nephrology
    • Head of Cardiovascular Laboratory (1996) and Outpatient Clinic for Kidney and Hypertension Diseases (1998)
    • Senior Consultant (1999)
  • 02/1993 – 04/1996: Department of Cardiology, Inselspital Bern, Switzerland
    • Specialist training in Internal Medicine and Cardiology, focusing on interventional cardiology and clinical research
  • 04/1995 – 06/1995: Department of Cardiology, Mayo Clinic Rochester, USA
    • Clinical research project on endothelin antagonists
  • 12/1989 – 04/1990: Department of Surgery, Klinikum Ludwigsburg, Germany
    • Assistant in the intensive care unit


  • 03/2002: Specialist in Cardiology (training at Inselspital Bern, Mayo Clinic, and Klinikum Essen)
  • 12/2000: Habilitation (Venia legendi) at the University Hospital Duisburg-Essen
  • 06/2000: Specialist in Nephrology (training at Klinikum Essen)
  • 04/1998: Specialist in Internal Medicine (training at Klinikum Essen and Inselspital Bern)
  • 12/1991: Doctorate, German Heart Center Berlin, FU Berlin
  • 1982 – 1989: Medical studies at the University of Padua, FU Berlin, and University of Heidelberg
  • 1981: High school diploma with a focus on natural sciences

Continuing Education:

  • 12/2003 – Present: Regular leadership seminars, conflict management training, mindfulness coaching, and team-building workshops

Leadership Experience:

  • 12 years as Head of Internal Medicine at Tauernklinikum Zell am See
  • 9 years as medical-scientific director of the Nursing School at Tauernklinikum Zell am See
  • 7 years leading the outpatient clinic and cardiovascular lab at University Hospital Essen

Scientific Focus:

  • Interactions of the sympathetic nervous system, renin-angiotensin system, and endothelin system in vivo
  • Influence of cardiovascular drugs on these systems
  • Integrated therapy for hypertension, cardiorenal syndromes, heart failure, and autoimmune diseases

Additional Skills and Interests:

  • Languages: Fluent in German, English, and Italian; basic knowledge of French
  • Photography: Certified European Photographer (EP) since 2013
  • IT Skills: Proficient in MacOS, Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, and InDesign
  • Sports: Experienced in horseback riding, ski touring, hiking, cycling, and tennis

Teaching Roles:

  • Guest professor at the Medical University of Vienna (2014–Present)
  • Lecturer at Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg (2007–Present)
  • Educator at the Nursing School, Tauernklinikum Zell am See (2005–Present)
  • National and international teaching assignments, with over 100 lectures delivered

Professional Associations:

  • Board member of the Austrian Society for Hypertension (2008–2017)
  • Member of the German Cardiology Society’s “Heart & Kidney” working group (2005–2009)

Certifications and Diplomas:

  • European Hypertension Specialist (ESH)
  • Austrian Hypertension Diploma (ÖGH)

Hobbies and Interests:

  • Photography, sports, music (piano)
Gynaecology & Obstetrics
Privatklinik Ritzensee ⚕️ Spitzenmedizin im Salzburger Land

After completing my medical studies in Vienna, I trained as a specialist in gynecology and obstetrics. In 2015, alongside my role as a senior physician at the hospital, I also opened a private practice.


Fachärztehaus Zell am See
Ordination Dr. Steger / Dr. Wurzer-Stix
Schillerstr. 8
5760 Zell am See

T: +43 6542 732060

Surgery hours

By telephone appointment only.

Dr. med. Stephanie Wurzer-Stix

Specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics, Women’s Preventive Care


Adolescent Consultation (First Love)

Many girls feel nervous before their first gynecological visit because they don’t know what to expect. I aim to alleviate this fear by offering an informative conversation during your first visit.

I can explain topics such as the female body, menstrual cycles, period discomfort, contraception options, and what happens during an annual gynecological check-up.

You are welcome to come alone or bring someone you trust. The discussion will be treated confidentially.

If you wish to start taking the pill, I will take a blood sample to determine whether the pill is suitable for you from a medical perspective. A follow-up appointment will then focus on choosing the best contraceptive method.

I only conduct gynecological examinations for girls who are no longer virgins. Otherwise, I perform an abdominal ultrasound only.

Contraceptive Options:

Hormonal Contraceptives

Birth Control Pill:

  • Combination Pills (Estrogen and Progestin): Taken with a break week, during which withdrawal bleeding occurs.
  • Mini Pill (Progestin-only): Taken continuously without a break, often resulting in no regular period but sometimes causing spotting.

For first-time prescriptions of a combination pill, I always check coagulation status through a blood test, as the pill can influence blood clotting and increase the risk of thrombosis and embolism in those with genetic predispositions.

Combination pills are not recommended for smokers or overweight women.
Side effects may include mood swings, headaches, decreased libido, nausea, spotting, and water retention.

Implanon (Hormonal Implant):
A progestin-only implant inserted under the skin on the inner side of the upper arm under local anesthesia. It releases the active ingredient continuously. Women are advised to try a progestin-only pill for three months beforehand to check for tolerance. If well-tolerated, the implant can remain in place for three years.

Contraceptive Patch:
Changed weekly, with a one-week break during which menstruation occurs.

Vaginal Ring:
Used for three weeks, followed by a ring-free week when menstruation occurs.

3-Month Injection:
A depot injection every three months.
Side effect: Reduced bone density, not suitable for young girls.

Hormonal IUD:
Placed in the uterine cavity, it releases hormones continuously for 3 or 5 years (depending on the type).

Non-Hormonal Contraceptives

Copper IUD:
This method prevents implantation by altering the uterine lining and reducing sperm motility.
Suitable for women who want to avoid artificial hormones, but it may cause heavier periods.

Pregnancy Care:

I provide at least five mother-child passport examinations as required by the program.

At every check-up, an ultrasound is performed, blood pressure is measured, and urine is tested. I also address any questions or concerns you may have.

Two blood tests and a Group B Streptococcus swab are conducted at the appropriate times.

Additionally, I recommend two external specialized screenings:

  • First-trimester screening between the 11th and 14th weeks of pregnancy.
  • Organ screening around the 20th week of pregnancy, conducted by specialized colleagues.


I am happy to guide you through this sometimes challenging phase of life.

The balance between estrogen and progesterone shifts, creating a “hormonal carousel.”

Whether you choose to address these changes through lifestyle adjustments, mental and physical activity, healthy eating, plant-based remedies, or hormone therapy, the goal is to ensure you enjoy an active and fulfilling second half of life.



I grew up in Vienna and Saalfelden.

After completing my medical studies in Vienna, I started my career as a junior doctor at Zell am See Hospital, where I completed my training and became a general practitioner after three years.

Fortunately, a training position in the Gynecology and Obstetrics Department became available, allowing me to begin my specialist training there, which I successfully completed as a specialist physician within the minimum required time.

In 2015, alongside my role as a senior physician at the hospital, I opened this private practice.

Since 2018, I have been happily married and am the proud mother of a son.

Spinal surgery
Privatklinik Ritzensee ⚕️ Spitzenmedizin im Salzburger Land

Private Practice for Neurosurgery and Spinal Disorders
Attending physician with a surgical focus at Privatklinik Ritzensee Saalfelden, offering selected surgical treatments at Tauernklinikum Zell am See.



Dr. med. René Hebecker
At the Privatklinik Ritzensee
Schmalenbergham 4
5760 Saalfelden

T: +43 6582 794

Surgery hours

Tue09:00 – 16:00 Uhr
Thu09:00 – 12:00 Uhr
and by appointment

Dr. med. René Hebecker

Specialist in Neurosurgery


Key Expertise / Procedures / Treatments:

Cervical Spine Procedures:

  • Microdiscectomy
  • Microdecompression for spinal canal stenosis
  • Cervical fusion surgeries, including plating if necessary, and fracture management
  • Posterior instrumentation and decompression techniques for deformities, tumors, inflammation, or trauma
  • Disc arthroplasty (artificial disc replacement)
  • Spinal cord stimulation (SCS)

Thoracic/Lumbar Spine Procedures:

  • Microdiscectomy
  • Microdecompression for spinal canal stenosis
  • Minimally invasive fusion surgeries for degeneration, deformities (spondylolisthesis), or inflammation
  • Correction of degenerative lumbar scoliosis
  • Fracture management
  • Percutaneous vertebral cement augmentation
  • Dynamic stabilization techniques, disc arthroplasty
  • Spinal cord stimulation (SCS, DRG)

Outpatient (Day Surgery):

  • Image-guided interventional pain management for the spine (facet joint and nerve root blocks, sacroiliac joint injections, denervations).


Professional Career:

  • Until 2008: Specialist training and Senior Consultant in Neurosurgery at University Hospital Rostock
  • 2009 – 2016: Senior Consultant in Neurosurgery at Städtisches Klinikum München GmbH, Schwabing and Harlaching locations
  • 2017 – 2019: Lead Senior Consultant in Neurosurgery at Kreiskliniken Altötting/Burghausen and Neurochirurgie ANregiomed Klinikverbund, Ansbach/Mittelfranken
  • From 2020: Senior Consultant in Spine Surgery at Tauernklinikum Zell am See / Mittersill

Additional Information:

Additional Qualifications:

  • Master’s Certificate from the German Spine Society (Deutsche Wirbelsäulengesellschaft)
Orthopaedic surgery
Trauma surgery
Privatklinik Ritzensee ⚕️ Spitzenmedizin im Salzburger Land

As an orthopedic and trauma surgeon in our region, I specialize in the treatment of acute musculoskeletal injuries and their consequences. This includes both surgical and conservative treatment methods, up to joint replacement. Selecting the best treatment strategy for each individual patient, supporting them throughout their treatment, and ultimately improving their quality of life are the cornerstones of my approach.


Privatklinik Ritzensee
Schmalenbergham 4
5760 Saalfelden

T: +43 6582 794 3013
T: +43 6582 794 3014

M: trauma@privatklinik-ritzensee.at

Surgery hours

By appointment only.

Dr. med. Guntmar Gradl

Specialist in Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery


Key Expertise / Procedures / Treatments:

  • Treatment of acute and chronic injuries
  • Wound care
  • Shockwave therapy
  • Treatment of joint complaints using ACP, hyaluronic acid, or similar cartilage regeneration methods
  • Joint replacement for hip and knee
  • Treatment of foot conditions such as hallux valgus, hallux rigidus, and toe deformities



9/1994 – 6/2001
Medical studies at Karl-Franzens University Graz, Faculty of Medicine and graduated with a Doctorate in General Medicine on June 20, 2001


Specialist Training and Career:

04/2002 – 12/2008
Specialist training in Trauma Surgery and Sports Traumatology at the Department of Trauma Surgery and Sports Traumatology, Kardinal-Schwarzenberg Hospital, Schwarzach, under Prim. Dr. F. Genelin

since 01/2009
Specialist in Trauma Surgery

since 02/2009
Licensed as a physician by the Government of Upper Bavaria on February 23, 2009

04/2009 – 01/2013
Specialist training in Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery at the Department of Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery, Klinikum Rechts der Isar, Munich

since 01/2013
Specialist in Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery

10/2013 bis 10/2015
Private practice as a Specialist in Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery with hospital privileges at three locations (OCV Poing and Markt Schwaben)

Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery practice in Saalfelden

11/2015 bis 12/2021
Deputy Medical Director of Privatklinik Ritzensee, Saalfelden

since 01/2022
Medical Director of Privatklinik Ritzensee


Additional Training and International Experience:

11/1996 – 12/1996
Clinical clerkship in Pediatric Orthopedics, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Graz, under Prof. Dr. Linhart

09/1997 – 10/1997
Clinical clerkship in Pediatric Surgery and Traumatology, Graz, under Prof. Dr. Höllwarth

05/2000 – 07/2000
International clerkship at Henderson Hospital, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, with the Hamilton Arthroplasty Group, Dr. J. de V. de Beer

11/2002 – 05/2003
Research Fellow at the Hospital for Special Surgery, New York, USA, under Prof. Dr. T.P. Sculco, specializing in Endoprosthetics and Revision Endoprosthetics



  1. Gradl G, Postl LK, Lenze U, Stolberg-Stolberg J, Pohlig F, Rechl H, Schmitt-Sody M, von Eisenhart-Rothe R, Kirchhoff C. Long-term functional outcome and quality of life following rotationplasty for treatment of malignant tumors. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2015 Sep 24;16(1):262. PMID: 26403306.

  2. Postl LK, Gradl G, von Eisenhart-Rothe R, Toepfer A, Pohlig F, Burgkart R, Rechl H, Kirchhoff C. Management of musculoskeletal tumors during pregnancy: a retrospective study. BMC Womens Health. 2015 Jun 10;15:48. PMID: 26059904.

  3. Harrasser N, Gradl G. [Mid-foot fractures of the Chopart and Lisfranc joint line]. MMW Fortschr Med. 2014 Apr 30;156(8):54-5. PMID: 24851447.

  4. Pilge H, Gradl G, von Eisenhart-Rothe R, Gollwitzer H. Incidence and outcome after infection of megaprostheses. Hip Int. 2012 Jul-Aug;22 Suppl 8:S83-90. doi: 10.5301/HIP.2012.9576. PMID: 22956377.

  5. Lenze U, Kirchhoff C, Book K, Pohlig F, Gradl G, Rechl H, Herschbach P, von Eisenhart-Rothe R. [The role of psycho-oncology in orthopedic tumor centers]. Orthopade. 2012 Dec;41(12):958-65. doi: 10.1007/s00132-012-1981-0. PMID: 22914918.

  6. Harrasser N, Liska F, Gradl G, von Eisenhart-Rothe R. [Periprosthetic joint infection: diagnosis and treatment]. MMW Fortschr Med. 2011 Nov 3;153(44):43-5. PMID: 22111173.

  7. Gradl G, Horn C, Postl LK, Miethke T, Gollwitzer H. [Antibiotic prophylaxis in primary and revision hip arthroplasty: what is the evidence?]. Orthopade. 2011 Jun;40(6):520-7. doi: 10.1007/s00132-011-1755-0. PMID: 21607539.

  8. Nell M, Burgkart RH, Gradl G, von Eisenhart-Rothe R, Schaeffeler C, Trappe D, da Costa CP, Gradinger R, Kirchhoff C. Primary extrahepatic alveolar echinococcosis of the lumbar spine and the psoas muscle. Ann Clin Microbiol Antimicrob. 2011 Apr 15;10:13. doi: 10.1186/1476-0711-10-13. PMID: 21496254.

  9. Kennedy JG, Brodsky AR, Gradl G, Bohne WH. Clinical tip: a novel method of cartilage resection from the first metatarsophalangeal joint. Foot Ankle Int. 2006 Jun;27(6):469-71. PMID: 16764806.

  10. Kollersbeck C, Walcher T, Gradl G, Genelin F. [Clinical experiences and dosage pattern in subcutaneous single-injection digital block technique]. Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir. 2004 Feb;36(1):64-6. PMID: 15083394.

Orthopaedic surgery
Privatklinik Ritzensee ⚕️ Spitzenmedizin im Salzburger Land

As an experienced physician with over 30 years of professional experience, a lifelong commitment to continuing education, and extensive international practice, I run a private medical practice and look forward to enhancing your mobility through precise diagnostics, state-of-the-art surgical techniques, or the use of a prosthesis.


Privatklinik Ritzensee
Schmalenbergham 4
5760 Saalfelden

T: +43 6582794-530
M: sandra.weiskopf@privatklinik-ritzensee.at
H: www.prothesen-siorpaes.at

Surgery hours

By appointment only.

Dr. med. Robert Siorpaes

Specialist in Orthopedics and Orthopedic Surgery


Hip pain, issues with the knee, foot, or ankle joint significantly reduce quality of life. These persistent companions are not only painful but also unnecessary.

In my practice, you will receive a thorough and detailed examination during your personal appointment. I take the time to discuss your medical history with you, ensuring an accurate understanding of the root causes of your pain and problems, and determining whether surgery or a prosthesis is truly necessary and beneficial.

In addition to joint replacement surgeries (knee, hip, ankle), foot surgery is my second area of specialization. Numerous publications and lectures on this topic highlight my expertise in this sub-specialty.

To assess your specific needs and provide you with detailed advice, I look forward to welcoming you personally to my practice soon!


  • Implantation of artificial joints (hip, knee, ankle)
  • Foot surgery


  • Diagnosis and treatment of chronic and degenerative musculoskeletal conditions, both conservatively and surgically
  • Surgical treatment of degenerative joint disorders (joint replacement for knee, hip, and ankle)
  • Diagnosis and treatment of foot disorders, conservatively and surgically (Achilles tendon rupture, Achilles tendinitis, osteoarthritis of the upper and lower ankle joints, Charcot arthropathy, diabetic ulcer, acquired flatfoot, hallux valgus, hallux rigidus, painful hammer toe, Morton’s neuroma, plantar fasciitis)
  • Hand surgery (carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, Dupuytren’s contracture, thumb arthritis)
  • Hyaluronic acid injections
  • Shockwave therapy
  • ACP therapy (autologous conditioned plasma)


Professional Career:

Academic Background:

1972 – 1979: Medical studies at the University of Innsbruck
April 7, 1979: Doctorate in General Medicine
December 10, 1985: Specialist in Orthopedics and Orthopedic Surgery
March 24, 1990: Court-certified expert in Orthopedics
June 13, 1996: Specialist in Rheumatology
November 28, 2000: Specialist in Sports Orthopedics

Medical Career:

1979 – 1981: Residency at KH Zell am See
1981 – 1985: Specialist training in Orthopedics and Orthopedic Surgery at the Orthopedic University Clinic Innsbruck, under the direction of Prof. Dr. R. Bauer
1985 – 1987: Senior Consultant in Orthopedics and Orthopedic Surgery at the Orthopedic University Clinic Innsbruck
1987 – Present: Private practice as a Specialist in Orthopedics in St. Johann/Tyrol
1987 – 1993: Consultant at BKH St. Johann/Tyrol
1987 – 1991: Consultant at the Rehabilitation Center Saalfelden
1989 – 1991: Consultant at Sanatorium Ritzensee
1993 – Present: Head of the Orthopedic Department at BKH St. Johann/Tyrol with 44 beds
1993 – Present: Head of Physical Therapy at BKH St. Johann/Tyrol
2003 – Present: Patron for the Orthopedic Specialty Focus at BKH Lienz


Specialist in Orthopedics and Orthopedic Surgery

Additional Qualifications:

1990 – 1993: Training in Manual Therapy in Säter, Sweden, Isny/Neutrauchburg, Germany, and Graz, Austria

Privatklinik Ritzensee ⚕️ Spitzenmedizin im Salzburger Land

As a specialist in urology and andrology, it is a given for me to address each patient’s individual needs while continuously staying informed about the latest research findings. My work focuses on personalized diagnostics and treatment of prostate cancer, kidney tumors, and bladder tumors, as well as robotic-assisted surgery (Intuitive Surgical Da Vinci system), laparoscopy (keyhole surgery), and endo-urology.


Dr. med. Stephan Hruby
In der Privatklinik Ritzensee
Schmalenbergham 4
5760 Saalfelden

T: +43 664 4419720
(Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM)


M: ordination@stephanhruby.at
H: www.stephanhruby.at

Surgery hours

By appointment only

Dr. med. Stephan Hruby

Specialist in Urology, Preventive Care for Men


Key Expertise / Procedures / Treatments:

Prostate Cancer

  • Targeted diagnostics using MRI and targeted biopsies (TRUS/MRI fusion biopsy)
  • “Liquid Biopsy” – “Select MDx” urine gene test for prostate cancer risk assessment with elevated PSA levels
  • Personalized, robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (Da Vinci prostatectomy) with individualized nerve sparing
  • Robot-assisted fluorescence-guided lymph node dissection
  • Comprehensive spectrum of drug therapy for advanced prostate cancer, including palliative care

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

  • Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) using a circulation-friendly irrigation solution, optionally preserving ejaculation depending on patient constitution
  • Robot-assisted enucleation for glands over 100 grams using the Da Vinci system for optimal preservation of ureter openings and the urethral sphincter
  • For high-risk patients:
    • Transurethral prostate vaporization with a plasma probe
    • REZUM method: Prostate reduction via steam, avoiding surgical intervention and permanent catheters in many cases

Chronic Prostatitis

  • Comprehensive diagnostics and individualized treatment plans
  • Shockwave therapy for significant symptom improvement in controlled studies
  • Collaboration with psychologists and physiotherapists for holistic care

Kidney Tumors & Cysts

  • Robot-assisted partial nephrectomy with up to 70% organ preservation
  • Robot-assisted or traditional open radical nephrectomy based on tumor characteristics
  • Medication for advanced kidney cancer

Adrenal Tumors

  • Robot-assisted or laparoscopic adrenalectomy
  • Organ-preserving surgery in selected cases

Reconstructive Urology

  • Robot-assisted procedures for ureteral or pelvic obstructions
  • Bladder diverticulum removal and other reconstructive bladder procedures
  • Placement of ureteral stents and palliative urinary diversion

Urinary Stones

  • Endoscopic stone removal using laser or lithoclast
  • Advanced minimally invasive and laparoscopic procedures for complex stones

Bladder Cancer

  • Advanced diagnostics with fluorescence and NBI imaging
  • Minimally invasive tumor resection and radical bladder removal with individualized urinary diversion options

Erectile Dysfunction

  • Comprehensive treatment plans, including PDE-5 inhibitors, shockwave therapy, and penile implants if necessary

Premature Ejaculation

  • Medication and counseling with interdisciplinary support

Penile Curvature

  • Conservative treatments with PDE-5 inhibitors, stretching devices, and shockwave therapy
  • Surgical correction when necessary

Hormonal Imbalances

  • Comprehensive diagnostics and tailored testosterone replacement therapies

This detailed yet individualized approach ensures optimal care tailored to each patient’s specific needs.


Professional Experience:

My training in open and minimally invasive surgery was under the guidance of Austria’s most renowned urologists, allowing me to offer my patients extensive experience and a wide surgical spectrum. Additionally, I have comprehensive expertise in the treatment of advanced prostate cancer, ranging from traditional hormone therapy and chemotherapy to modern therapeutic options.

Beyond my practical work, numerous study trips, and clinical observations, I have been actively involved in the national and European urological societies since the start of my training. This includes co-founding and organizing the Austrian School of Urology and the Austrian Society of Urology. Nationally and internationally, I follow medical studies, deliver lectures, and author numerous scientific articles.

Privately, I am happily married and a proud father of a daughter. When not caring for my patients’ health and recovery, I enjoy road cycling, skiing, and playing the guitar on rainy days.

Career Path:

  • 1994 – 2001: Medical studies, University of Vienna
  • 2002: Liver & kidney transplant coordinator, University Clinic Vienna, Prof. Ferdinand Mühlbacher
  • 2003 – 2004: Surgical resident, General Surgery, Donauspital Vienna, Prof. Rudolf Schiessel
  • 2005 – 2009: Urology resident, Kaiser-Franz-Josef-Spital Vienna, Prof. Wolfgang Höltl
  • 2009: Passed Austrian and European board certification exams
  • 2009: Co-founded the Austrian School of Urology
  • 2009 – 2011: Chairman of the European Society for Residents in Urology
  • 2010 – 2016: Senior Physician, Deputy Head & Acting Department Chair (from 2014), Leader of the Prostate Cancer Team, University Clinic for Urology, PMU Salzburg, Prof. Günter Janetschek
  • 06/2016 – 04/2017: Acting Department Chair, University Clinic for Urology, PMU Salzburg
  • 02/2016: Habilitation as a private lecturer at PMU Salzburg
  • Since 2015: Examiner for the European Board Certification
  • Since 07/2017: Head of the Urology Clinic at Tauernklinikum Zell am See

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