Aesthetic surgery at the Ritzensee Private Clinic

Aesthetic surgery is a branch of plastic surgery. The aim of these treatments is to change specific areas of the body through targeted surgical interventions and to improve the patient’s well-being in the long term. The internationally recognized experts guarantee state-of-the-art treatment procedures and the best results.


Privatklinik Ritzensee ⚕️ Spitzenmedizin im Salzburger Land

Studied and trained as a specialist in Brazil, completed a master’s degree at the University of Mainz in Germany, followed by a doctorate and habilitation as a university professor, culminating in the appointment to a chair. An international career with postdoctoral research in the UK, Germany, USA, Belgium, Japan, and other countries. Engaged in international teaching in various nations. Established private practices in Salzburg and Munich since 1997. Serving as an attending physician at Privatklinik Ritzensee since June 2020, with numerous satisfied patients following successful surgeries.


Dr. med. Paschoal FELIPPE
Professor at UFSC, Brazil
At Privatklinik Ritzensee
Schmalenbergham 4
5760 Saalfelden

T: +43 664 1808773





Surgery hours

Mo08:00 – 21:00 Uhr
Di08:00 – 21:00 Uhr
Mi08:00 – 21:00 Uhr
Do08:00 – 21:00 Uhr
Fr08:00 – 21:00 Uhr
Sanach Vereinbarung
Sonach Vereinbarung

Dr. med. Paschoal Felippe, Professor (UFSC-Brazil)

Specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery


Key Expertise / Procedures / Treatments:

Surgeries of all complexity levels on the face and body for rejuvenation and body contouring.

Eyelid corrections are always performed with muscle tightening.

Rhinoplasties are carried out using an open technique for better visualization.

Facelifts involve correction of both skin and muscle structures, resulting in minimal scarring.

Endoscopic plastic surgery (so-called keyhole surgery technique) is used for facelifts and body procedures such as breast augmentation, abdominal surgery, and buttock contouring.

Liposuction is performed using High Definition (HD) technology to achieve a more defined body shape.

Breast lifts can be combined with augmentation for patients with insufficient volume, resulting in minimal scarring.

Abdominoplasty always includes muscle tightening, with treatment extending to the waist and hips for a comprehensive contour.

Buttock corrections involve reshaping, lifting, and, if necessary, augmentation using either the patient’s own tissue or implants.

Scar revisions for aesthetic improvements following previous surgeries.

SOS – Secondary Optimization of Aesthetic Surgery
Procedures to improve outcomes of prior surgeries performed elsewhere. Professor Felippe is frequently sought after by patients from distant locations for these treatments.

Care for breast implant patients
Comprehensive monitoring, including ultrasound, mammography, and MRI examinations if needed.

Outpatient / Inpatient Options:

Treatments can be performed on an outpatient basis or, if preferred by the patient, with a hospital stay. Outpatient procedures require specific criteria tailored to each patient to ensure they can safely return home the same day.


Professional Career:

Career Path:

Professor Felippe studied medicine in Brazil and represents the third generation of doctors in his family. After serving as a medical officer in the naval forces, he pursued training in general surgery with a focus on trauma, followed by urology and plastic surgery in Brazil and Germany. He successfully completed all three specialties.

In plastic surgery, he further advanced his expertise internationally, focusing on specialized areas such as treating wounds from severe war injuries, correcting facial and body deformities in children and adults, repairing severe burn injuries, and reconstructing body parts after tumor treatments or trauma.

In aesthetic surgery, he developed his knowledge in Brazil and various countries, including Belgium, China, Germany, France, the UK, Italy, Iran, Japan, Russia, Scotland, and the USA, among others. Professor Felippe has successfully performed over 30,000 surgeries of all difficulty levels. For more information, visit

Specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery

Additional Information (International Experience, Social Engagement):

Honorary President of “The World Academy of Medicine,” responsible for training programs and international exchanges for medical professionals and students in 52 member countries.

Voluntarily performs surgeries on war victims with severe injuries from various countries.

Honorary Chair of “Unidos International Football Association,” promoting sports and education for disadvantaged children.

Deputy Chair of “Amadeus International Culture Committee,” supporting emerging artists.

International Scientific Coordinator of the “Sofia Institute for Education and Health.”

Other Information:

Additional Qualifications:
University Professor of Surgery

Licensed aircraft pilot, PP category

Digital photography with surgical simulation technology

Certified judicial expert for the Higher Regional Court of Linz

Professor Felippe regularly participates in select international advanced training programs.

He also organizes training events and “hands-on” workshops, teaching colleagues and future professionals in various countries to share his knowledge, experience, and unique methods.


Doctor of Medicine after completing scientific studies and a dissertation, certified by the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz in Germany.

Habilitated as a University Professor of Surgery at the Federal University of Santa Catarina in Brazil.

Member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS), part of an exclusive circle of plastic surgeons worldwide.

Member of the International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery (IPRAS).

Numerous additional memberships in prestigious organizations.

Fluent in German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese.


Operationen ambulant und stationär zur Verjüngung der Lider und Gesicht mit minimalen Narben. Körperformungen mit Hautstraffungen und Entfernung von Fettgewebeüberschuss mit HD-Technik (High-Definition-Technik) und Verwendung von Eigenfett zur Formverbesserung im Gesicht, von Brust und Gesäß. Korrektur von erschlaffter Haut auch am Oberarm und Oberschenkel mit minimalen Narben. Brustkorrekturen aller Arten mit minimalen Narben, Bauchdeckenstraffung in allen Varianten. Formverbesserungen der Nase. Intimoperationen bei Frauen und Männern inklusive schonende Vorhautplastik auch bei Kindern.

Kongressteilnahme Deutscher Kongress für Plastische Chirurgie September 2022 – Frankfurt am Main

Herr Prof. Dr. Felippe, Facharzt für Plastische, Rekonstruktive und Ästhetische Chirurgie hat an der 52. Jahrestagung der DGPRÄC & 26. Jahrestagung der VDÄPC“ am 30.09.2022 in Frankfurt am Main teilgenommen. Die modernsten Behandlungsmethoden zur Verjüngung und Körperformung wurden ausführlich unter Experten besprochen. Neben der Behandlung von Gesichtsoperationen, Brustoperationen, Bauchdeckenstraffung, Oberarmstraffung wurden auch die Behandlungen von Lipödem intensiv diskutiert.

Kongressteilnahme Arab Health+Lab Jänner 2023 – Dubai

Herr Prof. Dr. Felippe, Facharzt für Plastische, Rekonstruktive und Ästhetische Chirurgie, hat seine Teilnahme bereits bestätigt. Er behandelt zahlreiche Patienten aus Übersee in der Privatklinik Ritzensee. Diese Fachmesse zeigt die modernste medizinische Technologie von europäischen und asiatischen Herstellern in Kombination mit einem medizinischen Kongress, bei welchem die international renommierten Experten ihre modernsten Behandlungsmethoden präsentieren.

Neuheiten aus der Plastischen Chirurgie von Herrn Prof. Felippe in der Privatklinik Ritzensee

Minimal-invasive Plastische Chirurgie

Facelifting und Brustkorrekturen mit Endoskopie oder mit kleinen Schnittführungen werden minimal-invasiv von Herrn Prof. Felippe in der Privatklinik Ritzensee angeboten.

Nasenkorrekturen – funktionell und ästhetisch

Nasenkorrekturen werden in einer Sitzung, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Klinik für HNO-Heilkunde, auch in der Privatklinik Ritzensee durchgeführt. Abklärungen über Funktionsbeschwerden und Deformitäten werden durch modernste Videoendoskopie und Störungen der Luftventilpassage durch „Rhinometrie“ modernste Geräte gemessen. Dadurch ist eine präzise Diagnose und Behandlung möglich.


Zunehmende Patientenbeschwerden mit „schweren und dicken“ Beinen werden durch die modernste Lipödem-Diagnostik festgestellt.

Herr Prof. Felippe führt in der Privatklinik Ritzensee eine strukturierte Diagnostik und Behandlungsplan für Lipödem durch.

Dazu gehört auch die Nachbehandlung mit Unterstützung von speziell ausgebildeten Ergotherapeuten und medizinisch ausgebildeten Masseuren.

Brustdiagnostik Kooperation – Tauerndiagnostik und Prof .Felippe, Plastischer Chirurgie

Kompetenz für Brustchirurgie besteht durch die hervorragende Zusammenarbeit zwischen Prof. Dr. Felippe und der Tauerndiagnostik – Radiologische Untersuchungen in der Privatklinik Ritzensee.

Kontrollen von bereits operierten Brüsten, „Implantat Trägerinnen“ und auch bei Patienten mit Beschwerden an der Brust können durch fachärztliche plastisch-chirurgische Untersuchung und Abklärung durch digitale modernste bildgebende Verfahren durch Mammographie und MRI perfekt ablaufen. Alle „Implantat Trägerinnen“ sollen sich einmal jährlich für eine Kontrolle routinemäßig melden, unabhängig davon, ob sie Beschwerden haben oder nicht.


Prof. Felippe bietet auch Abendsprechstunden von 16 bis 21 Uhr an – nur nach Terminvereinbarung.


Auch am Samstag werden Sprechstunden von Prof. Felippe angeboten – nur nach Terminvereinbarung.

Finanzierung – Ratenzahlung

Prof. Felippe verfügt über Kooperationen mit externen Finanzdienstleistern, um die Finanzierung von allen Behandlungen für die Patienten zu ermöglichen.

Beratungstermine: +43 664 18 08 773 auch über WhatsApp ; durchgehend erreichbar.


Ordination Salzburg
Innsbrucker Bundesstraße 35
5020 Salzburg

T: 0043 664 15 63 060

Surgery hours

By appointment only.

Dr. Dr. med. Maja Koreimann

Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


Facial Surgery

  • Forehead lift
  • Temporal lift/brow lift
  • Blepharoplasty/eyelid lift (upper and/or lower eyelid)
  • Facelift
  • Mini-lift/cheek lift
  • Neck lift
  • Neck liposuction (double chin)
  • Facial fat grafting
  • Rhinoplasty/nose correction
  • Lip surgeries (lip lift, bullhorn excision)
  • Facial implants
  • Buccal fat removal (bichectomy)
  • Phenol peeling
  • Dermabrasion
  • Removal of nevus, fibroma, lipoma, atheroma
  • Scar revision

Jaw Surgery

  • Chin augmentation with/without implant
  • Chin reduction
  • Reduction of jaw angles and/or lower jaw border
  • Segmental osteotomy of the upper/lower jaw

Oral Surgery

  • Cyst removal in the upper/lower jaw
  • Cyst removal in the oral cavity
  • Surgery of the lingual, labial, or buccal frenulum
  • Apicoectomy
  • Exposure of impacted teeth
  • Extraction of impacted teeth
  • Tooth transplantation
  • Hemisection/tooth root amputation
  • Periodontal surgery
  • Preprosthetic modeling of bone or gingiva
  • Removal of jaw exostoses
  • Alveolar ridge augmentation and autologous bone transplantation
  • Vestibuloplasty
  • Sinus lift with bone graft per side
  • Implantology


Specialist Qualifications

  • 2018: Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
  • 2013: Specialist in Dental, Oral, and Maxillofacial Medicine


  • 2007–2013: Degree in Dentistry at the Medical University of Graz

    • Thesis: Anatomical Study of the Lingual Gingival Innervation as a Basis for Local Neurolysis, conducted at the Institute of Anatomy Graz under the guidance of Univ.-Ass. Priv.-Doz. Dr. Georg Feigl and in collaboration with Prim. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rudolf Likar.
  • 2003–2011: Degree in Human Medicine at the Medical University of Graz

    • Thesis: Retrospective Analysis of Vascular Anomalies with Special Consideration of the Head and Neck Region. Review and Follow-up from 1989–2009, conducted at the Department of Plastic, Aesthetic, and Reconstructive Surgery, LKH Graz, under the supervision of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephan Spendel and Univ.-Prof. Dr. Erwin Scharnagl.
  • 2009–2013: Tutor at the Institute of Anatomy in Graz, teaching during dissection courses.

Privatklinik Ritzensee ⚕️ Spitzenmedizin im Salzburger Land


Dr. med. Patricia Lebo
At Privatklinik Ritzensee
Schmalenbergham 4
5760 Saalfelden

T:+43 6582 794530

Surgery hours

By appointment only.

Dr. med. Patricia Lebo

Specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery


Hand Surgery:

  • Rhizarthrosis (thumb saddle joint arthritis)
  • Dupuytren’s/Ledderhose disease (abnormal connective tissue growth in the hand or foot causing limited movement)
  • Ganglions (cysts)
  • Tendon sheath inflammation and constrictions
  • Reconstruction of nerves, vessels, and tendons after injuries (e.g., cuts)
  • Nail and nail bed surgery

Breast Surgery:

  • Surgical treatment of small or large breasts, sagging or “empty” breasts, asymmetries, or tubular breasts
  • Breast augmentation
  • Breast reduction
  • Breast lift
  • Surgical treatment of male breast (gynecomastia)

Peripheral Nerve Surgery:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Cubital tunnel syndrome (ulnar nerve entrapment)
  • Guyon’s canal syndrome
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome

Scar Treatment:

  • Post-surgical scars
  • Scars from accidents or burns
  • Including lipofilling treatments

Skin Grafts:

  • Full-thickness grafts
  • Split-thickness grafts
  • Local flap techniques

Hidradenitis Suppurativa / Acne Inversa:

  • Treatment of inflamed sweat glands using local flap techniques or skin grafts after excision

Surgical Treatment of Malignant and Benign Skin Lesions:

  • From head to toe
  • Includes defect coverage with local flap techniques, split-thickness, or full-thickness grafts

Chronic / Problem Wounds:

  • From peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and venous insufficiency
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Pressure sores

Eye-Area Surgery:

  • Surgical treatment of the upper and lower eyelids, including:
    • Upper eyelid blepharochalasis (“droopy eyelids”)
    • Eye bags, festoons, malar bags
    • Ectropion (outward turning of the lower eyelid)

Body Contouring Procedures:

  • Liposuction
  • Body lifting surgeries / surgical treatment of excess skin and soft tissue after massive weight loss (due to lifestyle modification or bariatric surgery)
  • Abdominoplasty (mini), belt lift, thigh lift, arm lift, body lift, dermolipectomies

Intimate Surgery:

  • Labia reduction
  • Scar correction
  • Mons pubis reduction
  • Vasectomy reversal

Outer Ear Surgery:

  • Protruding ears
  • Asymmetries
  • Earlobe reconstruction (from piercings, tunnels, etc.)

Botulinum Toxin Treatments:

  • For wrinkles, migraines, excessive sweating, etc.

Hyaluronic Acid (“Fillers”)

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma, “Vampire Lift”) Treatments


  • For improved skin texture or scar treatment

NEW: Lipogems® for Osteoarthritis and Joint Degeneration:


Hand Surgery:

  • Rhizarthrosis (thumb saddle joint arthritis)
  • Dupuytren’s/Ledderhose disease (abnormal connective tissue growth in the hand or foot causing limited movement)
  • Ganglions (cysts)
  • Tendon sheath inflammation and constrictions
  • Reconstruction of nerves, vessels, and tendons after injuries (e.g., cuts)
  • Nail and nail bed surgery

Breast Surgery:

  • Surgical treatment of small or large breasts, sagging or “empty” breasts, asymmetries, or tubular breasts
  • Breast augmentation
  • Breast reduction
  • Breast lift
  • Surgical treatment of male breast (gynecomastia)

Peripheral Nerve Surgery:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Cubital tunnel syndrome (ulnar nerve entrapment)
  • Guyon’s canal syndrome
  • Tarsal tunnel syndrome

Scar Treatment:

  • Post-surgical scars
  • Scars from accidents or burns
  • Including lipofilling treatments

Skin Grafts:

  • Full-thickness grafts
  • Split-thickness grafts
  • Local flap techniques

Hidradenitis Suppurativa / Acne Inversa:

  • Treatment of inflamed sweat glands using local flap techniques or skin grafts after excision

Surgical Treatment of Malignant and Benign Skin Lesions:

  • From head to toe
  • Includes defect coverage with local flap techniques, split-thickness, or full-thickness grafts

Chronic / Problem Wounds:

  • From peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and venous insufficiency
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Pressure sores

Eye-Area Surgery:

  • Surgical treatment of the upper and lower eyelids, including:
    • Upper eyelid blepharochalasis (“droopy eyelids”)
    • Eye bags, festoons, malar bags
    • Ectropion (outward turning of the lower eyelid)

Body Contouring Procedures:

  • Liposuction
  • Body lifting surgeries / surgical treatment of excess skin and soft tissue after massive weight loss (due to lifestyle modification or bariatric surgery)
  • Abdominoplasty (mini), belt lift, thigh lift, arm lift, body lift, dermolipectomies

Intimate Surgery:

  • Labia reduction
  • Scar correction
  • Mons pubis reduction
  • Vasectomy reversal

Outer Ear Surgery:

  • Protruding ears
  • Asymmetries
  • Earlobe reconstruction (from piercings, tunnels, etc.)

Botulinum Toxin Treatments:

  • For wrinkles, migraines, excessive sweating, etc.

Hyaluronic Acid (“Fillers”)

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma, “Vampire Lift”) Treatments


  • For improved skin texture or scar treatment

NEW: Lipogems® for Osteoarthritis and Joint Degeneration:

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